San Diego Mesothelioma Lawyer
Asbestos is composed of six naturally occurring minerals that form soft, flexible fibers. Asbestos has many different uses, and it was once commonly found throughout buildings and other structures. Although asbestos exposure is not as common as it once was, San Diego and the rest of California has the most asbestos sites in the country.
When people become exposed to asbestos, they may develop mesothelioma, which is an aggressive form of cancer. When the exposure was due to another person’s negligence, people can file a claim against the liable party to pursue damages. If you or someone you love became sick as a result of negligent exposure, a San Diego mesothelioma lawyer can help you claim the fair settlement you deserve.
The Dangers of AsbestosAsbestos has been used in many different applications because it is so useful, but it is not safe for humans. After a person ingests or inhales the substance, the asbestos becomes lodged inside the body and there is no way for it to escape. After a certain period of time, the fibers lead to inflammation and scarring. Of all the people exposed to asbestos, between 2% and 10% develop mesothelioma, which is fatal.
What are the Laws in San Diego About Asbestos Exposure?The Airborne Toxic Control Measures (ATCMs) are two sets of laws meant to protect people from the abundance of naturally occurring asbestos in San Diego, and throughout California. These laws regulate surfacing applications, as well as the grading, quarrying, construction, and surface mining of asbestos. Surfacing applications include the production or sale of the aggregate material, such as gravel and sand, in known asbestos sites.
Liability for Asbestos ExposureProperty owners are required to ensure people within a home or other structure are not exposed to asbestos to protect their health. Manufacturers are also required to ensure their products are safe for people to use, which means protecting consumers from asbestos exposure. Property owners and manufacturers are just two potentially liable parties for asbestos exposure, so it is always best to speak to a mesothelioma lawyer in San Diego who can determine the at-fault party in your case and hold them accountable.
Time Limit on Mesothelioma ClaimsMesothelioma lawsuits, like all personal injury claims, must be filed within a certain time limit known as the statute of limitations. In San Diego, you have only one year from the date of exposure to file your claim against the party that negligently exposed you to the material. You also have only one year to file a wrongful death claim if you lose a loved one after they were exposed to asbestos. If you do not file your claims within this time, your claim will be barred and you will forfeit your right to recover any damages.
Our Mesothelioma Attorney in San Diego Can Help with Your CaseIf you have developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos, or you have lost a loved one, our San Diego mesothelioma attorney at Brod Law Firm can advise on your case and help you claim the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.