Sacramento Vehicle Rollover Accident Lawyer
Vehicle rollover accidents are some of the worst crashes on Sacramento’s roads. These accidents are just what they sound like. They occur when a vehicle rolls over, usually onto its side or roof, although sometimes the vehicle may roll completely over. Rollover accidents are often caused by motorists that drive too quickly in poor weather, such as heavy rain or wind, or when one vehicle slams into another. Whatever the reason for these accidents, a Sacramento vehicle rollover accident lawyer can help accident victims claim the damages they deserve.
The Danger of Rollover AccidentsVehicle rollover accidents are incredibly dangerous, and they have the potential to be fatal for either the occupants inside the vehicle, or other motorists on the road. Vehicle rollover accidents pose a great deal of danger to anyone on the road for several reasons, including:
- Number of times the vehicle rolls over
- Force of the impact
- Number of occupants
- Functionality of the airbags and other safety features
- Make and model of the vehicle
- Use of seatbelts
- Number of vehicle involved
- Age, weight, and height of the occupants
- Location of the accident
Rollover accidents are dangerous for anyone on the roads, but particularly for those inside the vehicle that rolls over. The occupants of the vehicle are often tossed around inside and as they are, they are thrown into the dashboard, other seats, the doors, and even into other passengers. The occupants inside the vehicle also often become trapped inside the vehicle, and the longer they are inside, the worse their injuries become.
Comparative Fault in Vehicle Rollover AccidentsA number of parties may be held liable after a rollover accident. Manufacturers of defective vehicles or vehicle parts, other drivers, and even the occupants inside the vehicle that rolled over may be partly to blame. Injured individuals can also be held liable for their injuries but even when that is the case, they can still claim compensation in many instances with the help of a vehicle rollover accident attorney in Sacramento.
For example, if someone crashed into the back of your vehicle but you were not wearing a seatbelt to minimize your injuries, you will likely be found partly to blame for not mitigating the severity of your injuries. However, as long as you were not 100% to blame for the crash, you can still recover damages. Under California’s comparative fault, or comparative negligence law, the percentage of fault you hold will be reduced from the overall compensation you receive. It is important to speak to a Sacramento vehicle rollover accident lawyer that can fight these claims of fault so you receive the full amount of compensation you deserve.
Call Our California Vehicle Rollover Accident Lawyer TodayIf you have been involved in a vehicle rollover accident, a vehicle rollover accident attorney in Sacramento at Brod Law Firm understands how seriously your injuries are impacting your life and your family. We also know how to determine who was liable for the crash, so you recover the full amount of damages you deserve. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation and to learn more about how we can help.