Mountain View Asbestos Lawyer
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring substance made up of six minerals that form soft, flexible fibers. Historically, asbestos was used widely in the industrial sector and throughout commercial buildings. Today, asbestos is not as present as it once was, but it is still used in a number of industries and areas. Although asbestos is naturally-occurring, it still poses many dangers to people who are exposed to it. Asbestos can cause many life-threatening diseases, including cancer. It is not uncommon for people to become exposed due to negligent property owners, manufacturers, and other entities. If you or a loved one has become sick due to exposure, our Mountain View asbestos lawyer can help you determine who is liable so you obtain the full and fair damages you deserve.
Understanding the Dangers of AsbestosAsbestos poses many dangers to those who are exposed to it. It is a tragic fact that thousands of people die every year due to exposure to asbestos. Despite the dangers of asbestos, it is still used in many applications due to the fact that it has multiple uses and is heat-resistant. After a person consumes or inhales asbestos fibers, they become permanently trapped inside the body, which causes scarring and inflammation. Approximately 2% to 10% of people will develop mesothelioma after exposure. Mesothelioma is a rare, but very aggressive, form of cancer.
Property owners have a legal obligation to ensure that anyone within a home or other structure does not suffer from the serious consequences of asbestos exposure. Manufacturers also have a legal duty to make sure their products do not contain asbestos, or that consumers are warned of the danger. If you have been exposed, contat an asbestos attorney in Mountain View for help right away.
Who is Liable for Asbestos Exposure?Determining who is liable for asbestos exposure is a complicated legal issue. There are multiple parties who could be to blame, including:
- Property owners: Property owners must make sure their premises are safe for anyone who visits. This includes making sure they are exposed to asbestos. When landlords and property owners are negligent and do not fulfill their responsibility, they can be held liable.
- Manufacturers: Manufacturers must ensure they warn consumers when their products contain asbestos. If they do not do so, they can be held liable for asbestos exposure.
- Mining companies: California has 42 counties that still contain asbestos sites. While the mines are now closed, every year new cases of illness continue to emerge. It can take many years before a person realizes they became sick after being exposed to asbestos, which is why case numbers keep increasing.
If you or a loved one has contracted cancer, or any other asbestos-related illness, it is important to speak with our Mountain View asbestos attorney as soon as possible. At Brod Law Firm, our experienced attorney can determine who is liable for paying full damages for your medical bills, lost income, and more. Call us now at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.