Fairfield Vehicle Rollover Accident Lawyer
Vehicle rollover accidents occur when a vehicle rolls over onto its side, roof, or completely rolls over. Regardless of the type of crash, these accidents are some of the worst on California’s roads. Rollover accidents are sometimes caused by driver negligence, but defective parts of a vehicle can also cause these collisions. In any case, when another person’s or company’s negligence has caused this type of crash, accident victims can file a claim against them to secure damages for any injuries or losses they sustained. A Fairfield vehicle rollover accident lawyer can help injured individuals secure the fair settlement they deserve.
Why Certain Vehicles are More at Risk for Rollover AccidentsIt is well known that sports utility vehicles (SUVs) are far more at risk than other types of vehicles. SUVs have a much higher center of gravity, making them prone to tip over. Additionally, the older the SUV, the more likely it is to roll over, as safety measures have been implemented in the past few years after the risk was realized.
How Driver Negligence Causes Vehicle Rollover AccidentsThere are many forms of driver negligence that can cause vehicle rollover accidents. Drivers who speed are more likely to roll over because it is very easy to lose control of a car when driving at excessive speeds. Many people think that drivers that take turns too quickly can cause a vehicle rollover accident, and that is true. However, it is much more likely that a vehicle will roll over when motorists pass other vehicles in a careless manner. Young drivers that do not have the necessary experience to maintain control of their vehicle are also more at risk for a vehicle rollover accident than drivers that are more mature.
How Manufacturer Negligence Causes Vehicle Rollover AccidentsManufacturers of SUVs and other vehicles are responsible for ensuring their vehicles are safe to drive, and to implement safety features that reduce the risk of the car rolling over. When they fail to meet those obligations or use defective parts in their vehicle, they can be held liable for any injuries sustained. Victims have a better chance of going head-to-head against large companies when they have the help of an experienced vehicle rollover accident attorney in Fairfield.
Legal Rights After a Vehicle Rollover AccidentWhen someone’s negligence results in a vehicle rollover accident, injured individuals have the legal right to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party. If the negligent driver was killed, accident victims can file a claim against the negligent party’s estate. A personal injury lawsuit allows injured drivers, passengers, and family members to secure compensation for the losses they have sustained.
Our Fairfield Vehicle Rollover Accident Lawyers can HelpIf you or a loved one has become injured or killed in an accident, a vehicle rollover accident attorney in Fairfield at Brod Law Firm is here to help. We will hold negligent parties accountable for their actions, and negotiate the full settlement you deserve from the insurance company. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation and to learn more about how we can help.