Sacramento Dog Bite Lawyer

Each year in the United States, millions of people are bitten by dogs, and hundreds of thousands of people end up in the emergency room every year due to dog bites. Dog bites are serious incidents that can result in not only physical injuries, but emotional injuries, as well. The aftermath of a dog bite or attack can have life-lasting impacts for victims in some cases. If you or a loved one has been bitten or attacked by a dog, a Sacramento dog bite lawyer can help you claim compensation for any loss you sustained.

The Law on Dog Bites in California

In California, dog owners are held strictly liable for any injuries their pet causes. This means that victims do not have to prove that the owner was negligent in restraining the animal, or that they had knowledge of the dog’s aggressive or violent tendencies. Victims must only prove that the dog bit or attacked them, and that it was this event that resulted in injuries.

Common Dog Bite Injuries

The injuries that can result from a dog bite are numerous. Some of the most common include:

  • Deep lacerations
  • Contusions
  • Broken bones
  • Infections
  • Amputations

Accident victims often experience more than just physical injuries after a dog bite. Even the biggest dog lovers can develop a lifelong fear of the animal after being the victim of an attack.

Additionally, the severe injuries a dog may cause can also result in permanent scarring or disfigurement. Victims often feel embarrassment or shame for the rest of their lives due to this complication. Children are most likely to suffer scarring or permanent disfigurement from a dog attack because their face is at the same level as the dog, and they may not use caution when approaching a strange animal.

Damages Available in Dog Bite Cases

Like in other types of personal injury cases, victims can hold dog owners liable for paying compensation to help with the cost of recovery after a dog bite or attack. Within their claim, victims can ask for damages for any loss they sustained, including:

  • The cost of current and future medical expenses, including treatment for mental health issues
  • Lost income
  • Loss of future income earning capacity
  • Current and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

It is important accident victims work with a dog bite attorney in Sacramento who can help evaluate the full amount of damages they deserve. Once a settlement is agreed to, or a judgment is issued, the victim cannot go back to the negligent party and request further compensation.

A Sacramento Dog Bite Lawyer is Here to Help

Dog bites and attacks are often traumatic events for victims, and will leave them with injuries that will last weeks, months, and maybe even years. If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, a dog bite attorney in Sacramento at Brod Law Firm is here to help. Attorney Brod will prove that a dog was responsible for your injuries, and ensure you secure the full amount of compensation you need. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation.

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