A person can become hurt on someone else’s property in a number of ways. By far the most common of these is during a slip and fall accident. Many people assume the injuries that result from these accidents are minor, but that is not always the case. Traumatic brain injuries, head injuries, and broken bones are just a few of the injuries a slip and fall accident can cause. Accident victims can file a claim against negligent property owners when they are injured during an accident, but filing these claims is not easy. When filing a claim, you must present strong evidence and prove certain elements of your case. It is extremely challenging to prove these elements when you are trying to recover from serious injuries. Our Riverside slip and fall lawyer explains what these elements are below, and can help you prove them to obtain the fair settlement you deserve.
The Property Owner Owed You a Duty of CareThe first element of your case you must prove is that the property owner owed you a duty of care. Every property owner owes visitors a duty of care, although the level of duty they owe varies depending on the type of visitor that is injured. For example, property owners do not generally owe trespassers a high duty of care, whereas business owners owe customers the highest duty of care.
There Was a Dangerous Condition on the PropertyYou must show that a dangerous condition existed on the property. You will have to submit strong evidence for this, which is why it is so important to collect as much as you can at the scene. Photographs of the dangerous condition are useful when filing a claim, as is eyewitness testimony and any statements made by the property owner. A slip and fall lawyer in Riverside can help you determine what the most compelling evidence will be in your case.
The Property Owner Knew About the Dangerous ConditionUnfortunately, a dangerous condition is not enough to file a claim, even if you were injured. Property owners are expected to inspect their property regularly and fix hazardous conditions, but the law also recognizes that property owners cannot know that a dangerous condition exists immediately after it develops. As such, you must prove that the property owner knew, or should have known, about the dangerous condition.
You Suffered LossesYou can file a personal injury claim after a slip and fall to recover compensation for your injuries, such as your medical expenses and lost income. If you did not suffer damages, there is nothing to compensate you for and so, you will not win your case.
Our Slip and Fall Attorney in Riverside Can Prove Your ClaimIf you have been hurt in an accident, now is the time for you to recover and not collect evidence that will prove your case. At Brod Law Firm, our Riverside slip and fall attorney will create a strong defense and present evidence that will prove your case so you recover the full compensation to which you are entitled. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.