More than 278 million people visit California each year and many come to Palmdale to take in the sights, hike the trails, and see big music names at the Amphitheater. The majority of the time, these visits result in only good memories and souvenirs. Unfortunately, when some people leave Palmdale, they take much more than these with them. When a hotel, motel, AirBNB, or other type of accommodation has a bed bug infestation, visitors can bring them back home. Sometimes, Palmdale residents also suffer from a bed bug infestation and in many of these cases, they have legal rights, as well. If a bed bug infestation has developed on your property, and you believe another person is to blame, you do have legal options. Below, our Palmdale bed bug lawyer explains what these are.
The Bed Bug Law in PalmdaleThe law in Palmdale, and throughout California, requires owners of apartment buildings, hotels, motels, and other establishments that house guests or tenants to inspect the premises for bed bugs regularly. Property owners are also expected to eradicate any bed bug problem as soon as one develops. Any time a property owner fails to fulfill their legal duty and someone is harmed as a result, they can be held liable for paying full damages for their negligence.
What Harm Do Bed Bugs Cause?Bed bugs are a nuisance, but they are also much more than that. These insects can cause significant harm, and after an infestation has developed, they become extremely hard to get rid of. Even professionals in the pest control industry face many obstacles when trying to eliminate bed bugs. The most obvious harm bed bugs pose is the fact that they are parasites that need warm-blooded hosts. As people sleep, bed bugs often crawl from the cracks and crevices of a bed to bite and feed. In addition to the red, itchy bumps bed bugs leave behind, people can suffer additional harm, as well, including:
If you have experienced any of the above, you may have a legal right to claim damages for the harm you have suffered. Unfortunately, it is never easy to claim the compensation you deserve. Renters must show that the infestation is due to their landlord’s negligence and that they did not cause the problem. Visitors who stayed in rented accommodations must also prove that they acquired the problem in Palmdale and that they did not bring the infestation with them. Our Palmdale bed bug attorney can prove your case so you can claim full damages.
Our Bed Bug Lawyer in Palmdale Can Prove Your CaseAt Brod Law Firm, our bed bug attorney in Palmdale can conduct a full investigation and collect the evidence necessary to prove your case. We can guide you through the process so you obtain the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to get more information.