Lead poisoning in children is the most significant environmental health threat in California. Even low levels of lead exposure can result in permanent behavioral, neurological, and emotional harm to young children. Children become exposed to lead through lead-based paint, lead in plumbing systems, lead dust, and other lead hazards. Lead poisoning is 100% preventable, and when it is caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be able to hold them accountable for paying damages. Below, our Oxnard childhood lead poisoning lawyer explains further.
What is Lead Poisoning?Lead is an element that is found in nature, and it also has many commercial uses. When lead is used in certain products, people can consume it, particularly children. Exposure to lead can cause it to accumulate in the human body and the level of toxicity largely depends on how long a person was exposed. In its early stages, lead poisoning is very difficult to detect. The symptoms that are the most obvious often do not appear until the levels of lead in the system are high.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), almost half of all homes constructed before 1978 still contain lead-based paint. Given that Oxnard was incorporated in 1903, there are still many homes in the city that contain the toxic substance. As older paint chips, peels, and flakes, it releases lead dust into the air. Children are also prone to putting fallen paint flakes into their mouths and otherwise playing with them. Children also do not wash their hands as frequently as adults, which leaves the dust on their skin.
In addition to paint chips and lead dust, the toxic substance can also be found in soil. The presence of lead here is usually due to lead-based paint that has fallen, as well as vehicles that use leaded gasoline, which releases lead into the air, which ultimately settles in the soil. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lead poisoning, reach out to a childhood lead poisoning attorney in Oxnard right away.
Common Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in ChildrenIt is particularly important for parents to understand the signs of lead poisoning in children. This is not only so they can receive treatment as quickly as possible but also so time does not run out on any potential lawsuit. The most common symptoms of lead poisoning in children are as follows:
It is often difficult to confirm that children have been exposed to lead until they start exhibiting symptoms. To make things even more difficult, children may not show any symptoms until the levels of lead in their system have accumulated to dangerous levels.
Our Childhood Lead Poisoning Lawyer in Oxnard Provides Sound Legal AdviceIf your child has become sick due to toxic levels of lead, you have legal options to recover compensation for their medical expenses and more. At Brod Law Firm, our Oxnard childhood lead poisoning attorney can help you through the process so you obtain the full and fair settlement that is rightfully yours. Call us now at (800) 427-7020 or fill out our online form to request a free review of your case and to get more information.