
Fresno Bed Bug Lawyer

Bed bugs are pests that are small, round, and reddish-brown in color. Having any insect in your house is concerning but due to the fact that bed bugs feed off of the blood of animals and humans, they are a real nuisance. After bed bugs have fed, their small bodies swell and they become even more red. The bites they leave behind are small, red, and extremely itchy. Another reason bed bugs are so difficult to deal with is that eliminating an infestation can seem impossible. If you have been bitten by bed bugs while on another person's property, it may be possible to file a claim for financial compensation, known as damages. Our Fresno bed bug lawyer can help you obtain the full amount you deserve.

What Compensation Can You Obtain in a Bed Bug Claim?

Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers. Even if you leave the infested location, they can crawl into your luggage and eventually make their way into your home. Once inside, they can make life very difficult and they may even damage your property. Through a bed bug claim, you can pursue damages for any loss you sustained due to the pests. The most common types of compensation obtained through these claims include:

  • The cost of medical treatment required to treat bed bug bites
  • The cost of replacing or repairing damage to any personal property
  • The cost of exterminators and other pest control measures
  • Hotel expenses or rental costs if you must leave your home during pest control treatment
  • High anxiety or stress levels if you have lost sleep due to an infestation

After reviewing your case, a Fresno bed bug attorney can identify the full damages to which you are entitled.

Rental Properties and Bed Bug Waivers

Many landlords require their tenants to sign a rental agreement that contains a waiver for bed bug liability. These waivers protect the landlord from being held liable for a bed bug infestation. Fortunately, they are also not enforceable in court. Most landlords only include these clauses in their rental agreements to scare tenants and to make them believe they cannot file a lawsuit.

Waivers never protect negligent parties from being careless. If you have suffered harm due to bed bugs in your rental home, you may still be able to file a claim for damages. You must show that the bed bugs were present when you moved in, which generally means that you have to file your claim as soon as possible. If you wait too long, your landlord will likely argue that you are at fault for the infestation.

Our Bed Bug Lawyer in Fresno Can Prove Your Case

If you have experienced harm due to bed bugs in your rental unit or while on someone else's property, you need sound legal advice. At Brod Law Firm, our bed bug attorney in Fresno can provide it and prove every element of your claim so you obtain the maximum settlement you deserve. Call us now at (800) 427-7020 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to get the help you need.

Client Reviews
"I am somewhat intimidated by lawyers, however when I met Greg I was immediately at ease. He was compassionate, knowledgeable and extremely easy to talk to. He handled my case professionally and most successfully..." Annette P., Avvo review
"It is difficult for anyone who has not had bedbugs to imagine the extent to which this problem negatively effects every aspect of your life. I contacted Greg Brod, and he was there for us. He listened to our problems..." Ron, Avvo review
"We were extremely happy with the outcome of our specific case, and would absolutely recommend Greg to anyone looking for legal assistance." Celine V., Yelp review
"I was referred to Greg Brod for a car accident I was in and I will now owe the person who referred me, forever." Christine M., Yelp review
"Greg handled our case with a laser-focused determination to right the wrongs we had been forced to endure…Throughout the entire process, we were in constant communication, with Greg always..." America S., Yelp review
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